September 15, 2014 6:30 AM- Jim and Joe snapped on their seat belts and pointed the T-Bird toward Route 66.
Gettin' out of town!
Gettin' out of town!
Route 66 Eve
Three little shirts in a row.

Gettin' out of town!
On I 84 headed east past Multnomah Falls state Park. Ah! The open road!

Gettin' out of town!
Stopping for breakfast at Cousins Country Inn - The Dalles, OR.
Gettin' out of town!
The guys were cited in Kennewick, WA chatting with good friends Claire and Al.
Gettin' out of town!
Jim and Joe stopped by to say hello to the staff at the JDRF office in Spokane, WA, who kindly agreed to pose with the T-Bird. Thanks ladies!
Gettin' out of town!
Staying the night with Joe's family on the banks of the Coeur d'Alene Lake, Coeur d'Alene, ID. What a nice reward for an early and long day of driving!

Tuesday 9/16/14
Rockford Bay is beautiful at sunrise!
Tuesday 9/16/14
Hey, why are we here???
Tuesday 9/16/14
Oh-oh! The T-bird started but would not move. Transmission problem. Hoping for an easy fix.

Tuesday 9/16/14
Gas is not cheap!

Tuesday 9/16/14
The open road...Fly little T-bird!

Tuesday 9/16/14
Windshield geology.

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14
Windshield geology.

Tuesday 9/16/14
Hey, trees!

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14
Teepee where we were going to stay, but changed our minds. Pretty and fascinating construction.

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14

Tuesday 9/16/14
We have a cup holder at last! In '66, before lattes and big gulps no one thought these were necessary.

Tuesday 9/16/14
Cooler magic.
9/17/14 Wednesday
Meeting up with Roger, the truck drivin' man, when he stopped for gas in Bozeman, MT on his way to the west coast.
9/17/14 Wednesday
Gased up and ready to go.
9/17/14 Wednesday
Little Big Horn Battlefield Monument - Crow Agency, MT
9/17/14 Wednesday
Little Big Horn Battlefield Crow Agency, MT
9/17/14 Wednesday
Little Big Horn Battlefield

9/17/14 Wednesday
Memorial to the fallen.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Memorial to the fallen.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Grave sites of warriors.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Peace - a complex concept made simple.
9/17/14 Wednesday
Read this sign and remember to watch where you are walking!
9/17/14 Wednesday
9/17/14 Wednesday
Montana - Big sky country.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Wyoming - Somehow the sky looks different here than the sky over Montana. Hmmmm....

9/17/14 Wednesday
Ooops! There goes our good gas mileage.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Passing Devil's Tower

9/17/14 Wednesday
Devil's Tower - Wyoming Really big prop for Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

9/17/14 Wednesday
The Ponderosa Cafe - Local eatery in Hulett, WY.

9/17/14 Wednesday
Rest stop!

9/18/14 Thursday
The T-Bird can offer cards to lookers while we are having lunch.

9/18/14 Thursday
We are in Sturgis, South Dakota. It must be time for a beer.

9/18/14 Thursday
One Eyed Jack's Saloon. Wow! this place must rock in the evening.

9/18/14 Thursday
Parked and walked in to see Devils Tower.

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday
Approaching Devil's Tower

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday
Devil's Tower

9/18/14 Thursday
Look close...are those praire dogs?

9/18/14 Thursday
Dear deer grazing at the base of Devil's Tower!

9/18/14 Thursday
They don't seem to mind posing for photos...little hams

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday

9/18/14 Thursday
This tour of Deadwood was worth the price. Boot Hill Tours

9/18/14 Thursday
Wild Bill Hickok was interested in the T-Bird and what we are doing. He posed for this picture and then gave a donation. Great guy, Bill!

9/19/14 - Day 5
Mt. Rushmore. Incredible

9/19/14 - Day 5

9/19/14 - Day 5
The Oregon flag waiting for a breeze in the other direction.

9/19/14 - Day 5

9/19/14 - Day 5

9/19/14 - Day 5
Waiting for his people to come back...still waiting.

9/20/14- Day 6
Chillin' at the Newcastle Show and Shine.
9/20/14- Day 6
9/20/14- Day 6
9/20/14- Day 6
9/21/14 - Flintstone Village
Joe is so strong!

9/21//14 - Flintstone Village

9/21/14 - Just checking...

9/21/14 - Laundry Day
Nice folding.

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures

9/22/14 - Badlands and Good Creatures
Back on I90.

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
The T-Bird is checking out another shop. The mechanic called his dad, who worked on cars of this era, to bring some of his tools in. The new tools just won't do it.

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Corn Palace.

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
The murals at the Mitchell Corn Palace are made of corn and grains!

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Corn Palace - Is that stalks of grain used for shingles on the building?

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Corn Palace

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Corn Palace

9/23/14 - Mitchell, SD
Mitchell Corn Palace

Our TMA Crew, Mitchell S.D.
9/24/14 - Making Up Time
Fall is settling onto the trees in Wisconsin.
9/24/14 - Making Up Time
Beautiful fall colors!

9/24/14 - Making Up Time
A cheese-buying opportunity in Wisconsin. Nothing says loving' like a gift of cheese.

9/24/14 - Making Up Time
Tiny little T-Birds reflected in this truck's hub caps. Joe took this picture out the window in freeway traffic while Jim drove. (At least let's hope so.)